The Work Routine of a Nursing Staff Worker at a Surgical Center


  • Rosangela Zimmermann Schwarz Enfermeira; especialista em Enfermagem Clínico-Cirúrgica pela PUC-PR; mestre em Saúde e Meio Ambiente pela UNIVILLE-SC; professora do curso de graduação em Enfermagem do Bom Jesus ELUSC, de Joinville (SC).
  • Nelma Baldin Doutora em Educação pela PUC-SP; professora do Programa de Mestrado em Saúde e Meio Ambiente da UNIVILLE­ SC.


Nursing, occupational health, Surgical Center


A qualitative and descriptive study was performed with fifteen nursing staff  workers  (nurses,  technicians, and assistant nurses) who perform their duties at the surgical center in a public hospital in Joinville/SC. The objectives of this study were to become aware of occupational impacts on the health of nursing staff; identifying hazardous conditions that they are exposed to and propose measures for their own health protection.  Data  collection  was  through observational participation and individual in te rv ie ws. The outcomes displayed frequent on-the-job accidents, occupational disease, and reference of osseo-muscular diseases, obesity, depression,  varicose  veins,  and  gastr itis. lt could be observed that these employees are exposed to several occupational and self-created hazar ds. These workers' health even suffers from the influence of work organ izat io n. Based on this study, it was possible to evidence the need of promoting educational activities for the purpose of encouraging these workers to avoid self-created and occupational risks and interventions to improve the actual working conditions.


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How to Cite

Schwarz, R. Z., & Baldin, N. (2005). The Work Routine of a Nursing Staff Worker at a Surgical Center. Revista SOBECC, 10(4), 26–30. Retrieved from

