Valuation oi the Registe, lnstrument in the Anesthetic Recovery Room by Nursing Graduate Students


  • Wagner Antonio Fiorini Enfermeiro da Unidade Coronariana do Hospital Evangélico Samaritano de Campinas (SP
  • Raquel Machado Cavalca Coutinho Doutora em Ciências pela UNIFESP e coordenadora do curso de Enfermagem da UNIP de Campinas (SP).


Communication, Nursing graduate students, Recovering Anesthetic


The present paper work was written   with   the  objective   to   verify the opinion  of  Graduation  Nursing  Students, at the fourth semester period, the adequate tool proposed for the register of the nursing actions in the Anesthetic Recovery Room, by  the usage of the Perioperatory Nursing Assistance System. The population was of 7 7 graduating students. Most of students  noticed  its  importance  during information transmission to the nurse, who will be in charge of the patient, to continue planning and for new interventions. This will allow nurse to continue planning to avoid complications in the immediate post­ operative and the mediate one, providing a safer and more comfortable recovery, minimizing the risks, the time and the cost of the hospital internment. The students found that, as resulted on survey, the proposed toai is indispensable during assistance at recovery room. Also, most of the students answered that the shift handover period of the conditions of the surgical patient by the usage of the instrument proposed, in the discharge from assistance in the Anesthetic Recovery Roam to other units, is necessary to assure the continuity of treatments and assistance.



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How to Cite

Fiorini, W. A., & Coutinho, R. M. C. (2005). Valuation oi the Registe, lnstrument in the Anesthetic Recovery Room by Nursing Graduate Students. Revista SOBECC, 10(2), 25–32. Retrieved from

