Adherence to the completion of the safe surgery checklist in ophthalmic surgeries




Checklist, Patient safety, Perioperative nursing, Ophthalmologic surgical procedures


Objective: To identify adherence to completing the safe surgery checklist at an ophthalmic surgical center. Method: A descriptive, observational study was conducted at the ophthalmic surgical center of a teaching hospital, involving data collection from 162 ophthalmic surgeries. Data were gathered using an instrument adapted from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) safe surgery checklist and subjected to statistical analysis using R software. Results: High adherence was observed in items related to patient identification (100%/162), followed by the presence of a pulse oximeter on the patient (98.10%/159) and surgical site marking (94.40%/153). Conversely, the items with the lowest adherence were material count (10.50%/17), team member introductions (11.10%/18), and anesthetic safety verification (30.90%/50). Conclusion: Although the checklist was widely used in all observed surgical procedures, compliance with completing the items varied, particularly in the third phase, indicating barriers to adherence. The lack of full completion suggests difficulties in adopting safe practices and highlights the need for ongoing training and changes in organizational culture.

Author Biographies

Aline, Universidade Federal do Maranhão – São Luís (MA), Brasil.

Degree in Nursing (Federal University of Maranhão - UFMA). Specialist in Adult Health in the area of Medical and Surgical Clinics in the Multidisciplinary Health Residency modality (University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhão - HUUFMA). Master's student in Public Health (Federal University of Maranhão - UFMA).

Poliana Pereira Costa Rabelo, Universidade Federal do Maranhão – São Luís (MA), Brasil.

Degree in Nursing from the University of Brasília (1997), Specialization in Surgical Center and CME from the Federal University of Maranhão (2012), Specialization in Health Preceptorship from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2020). Master's degree in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Maranhão (2004). PhD in Nursing and Public Health with a degree in Science from EERP/University of São Paulo (2014). Associate Professor I of the Nursing Department at the Federal University of Maranhão. Permanent Professor at RENASF-FIOCRUZ (2023). Collaborating Professor at PPGENF-UFMA (2021). She has experience in the area of Nursing, working mainly on the following topics: Perioperative Nursing and Materials and Sterilization Center, Public Policies in Women's Health (breastfeeding and breast cancer screening)

Danielle de Jesus Leite Cruz dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Maranhão – São Luís (MA), Brasil.

Nurse at the University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhão (HUUFMA). Specialist in Surgical Center, Material and Sterilization Center and Post-Anesthetic Recovery Room. Master in Nursing from the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA). PhD in Health Sciences from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Preceptor of the Integrated Multiprofessional Health Residency at HUUFMA.

Aurean D'Eça Junior, Universidade Federal do Maranhão – São Luís (MA), Brasil.

Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Maranhão (2007); Mental Health Specialist; Nursing Specialist in Surgical Center, CME and RPA; Master's degree in Parasitic Biology (2010). PhD in Public Health (2015). Post-Doctorate in Nursing PPGENF- UFRN (2021); Adjunct Professor IV of the Nursing Department - UFMA; Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Nursing-UFMA and the Postgraduate Program in Family Health- RENASF, Nucleadora UFMA. Leader of the Nursing and Public Health Research and Production Group (GPPESC); Professor member of the Academic League of Perioperative Care (LAAP); Has experience in Perioperative Nursing; Nursing Care in Chronic Illnesses; Conceptual and clinical validation of NANDA I nursing diagnoses; Educational technologies in health and nursing. Participant as Tutor in PET Health Interprofessional Education (2019-2021) and PET Health Management and Assistance (2022-2023).

Isaura Letícia Tavares Palmeira Rolim, Universidade Federal do Maranhão – São Luís (MA), Brasil.

Degree in Nursing from the Federal University of Ceará and in Theology from the Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados. He completed his doctorate in Nursing at the Federal University of Ceará in 2008. He is currently Associate Professor IV at the Federal University of Maranhão, Vice-Coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Family Health, at the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA) and Leader of the Study and Research in Nursing in Health Promotion and Clinical-Surgical Nursing (UFMA). She is a reviewer for important journals in Brazil. She is an academic and professional master's advisor (RENASF) working in the area of Nursing with an emphasis on research on Nursing Diagnoses and Health Care Management.

Nádia Alessa Venção de Moura, Universidade Federal do Maranhão – São Luís (MA), Brasil.

Graduated in nursing from the State University of Piauí - UESPI / FACIME. Specialist in Surgical Center, Post-Anesthetic Recovery Room and Sterile Material Center. Specialist in Quality and Safety in Patient Care from the Sírio Libanês Teaching and Research Institute. Specialist in Health Preceptorship. Specialist in Occupational Nursing from UNINTER. Specialist in Multidisciplinary Nephrology from UNASUS. Master's student in Nursing at the Federal University of Maranhão. Works as an Assistant Nurse at the University Hospital of the Federal University of Piauí, Head of the Inventory Planning and Sizing Unit (HU-UFPI). 


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How to Cite

Aline, Rabelo, P. P. C., dos Santos, D. de J. L. C., D’Eça Junior, A., Rolim, I. L. T. P., & Moura, N. A. V. de. (2024). Adherence to the completion of the safe surgery checklist in ophthalmic surgeries. Revista SOBECC, 29.

