Infographics as educational technology aimed at preventing health-related infections: an experience report




Cross infection, Health education, Infection control, Health care team, Infographics


Objective: To develop infographics as an educational technology to encourage good practices in safe surgery and prevention of healthcare-related infections. Method: Experience report on the production of informative infographics that present care indicators collected in epidemiological surveillance, carried out by the Hospital Infection Control Service of a private hospital in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The Plan, Do, Check, and Act (PDCA) management tool led the creation steps, with the infographics subsequently being created using the Canva® platform. Results: Infographics aimed at the Surgicenter and Post-Anesthetic Recovery Room sectors were planned in a playful way, with accessible language and attractive visuals, aiming to capture the attention of professionals, following standards from the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA). The infographics were printed and distributed in the sectors, helping to disseminate data and clarify frequently asked questions and encouraging ongoing education. Conclusion: The educational technology in infographic format was well accepted by the institution’s professionals, allowing them to quickly and accurately inform and clarify doubts about care indicators and encouraging good practices in safe surgery and prevention of health-related infections.


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How to Cite

Heinen, P. M., Furtado, K. F., Silva, G. B. da, & Caregnato, R. C. A. (2024). Infographics as educational technology aimed at preventing health-related infections: an experience report. Revista SOBECC, 29.

