Integrity and functionality of surgical instruments in a public university hospital: prospective study




Surgicenters. Materials management, hospital, Perioperative nursing


Objective: To characterize the integrity and functionality of surgical instruments in a public university hospital. Method: This is an exploratory, cross-sectional research, carried out in a large university hospital in the Northeast of Brazil, from May to July 2022. 384 instruments were evaluated regarding their integrity and functionality, divided into twelve classes, each containing 32 items. The inspection mechanisms used followed national and international standards. Results: Approximately half of the equipment evaluated showed non-compliance in at least one integrity and one functionality test. Conclusion: There was a high rate of non-compliance of instruments representing the hospital’s layette. The data reflects the pressing need for the institution to invest in screening, periodic evaluation, and maintenance of instruments.

Author Biography

Eduardo Tavares Gomes, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Hospital das Clínicas – Recife (PE), Brazil.

Enfº Assistencial da Unidade de Centro Cirúrgico HC/UFPE. Doutorando em Ciências pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem em Sáude do Adulto da Escola de Enfermagem da USP Mestre em Enfermagem - PAPGENF UPE/UEPB. Esp. em Enf. em Suporte Avançado de Vida - FENSG-UPE. Esp. em Enf. em Cardiologia - PROCAPE - SES-PE


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How to Cite

Gomes, E. T., dos Santos , R. I., Lopes, M. G. dos S., Souza, C. R. A. de, Adelino, S. D. . V. de N., Monteiro, E. M. L. M., & Gomes, R. L. V. (2024). Integrity and functionality of surgical instruments in a public university hospital: prospective study. Revista SOBECC, 29.

