Effects of shiatsu on pain in people with limb fractures: clinical trial





Shiatzu, Bone fractures, Pain


The postoperative period for limbs fractures is characterized by different levels of pain intensity. Shiatsu is a therapy applied with the hands on meridians and tsubos (points similar to acupuncture) related to pain. Objective: To evaluate the effect of shiatsu on postoperative pain in men with arm and leg fractures. Method: Non-randomized and uncontrolled clinical trial, with assessment of pain levels using the Visual Numerical Scale (VNS) (0–10) and measurement of salivary cortisol. The R software and the Wilcoxon test and Fisher’s exact test were used. Results: 41 people participated in the research; the initial mean value of salivary cortisol concentration was 0.39 µg/dl and, after shiatsu intervention, it decreased to 0.32 µg/dl (p<0.0001). The Mean pain value was 4.93 (VNS) before the intervention and 3.90 (p<0.0001) after. Conclusion: The application of shiatsu contributed to reducing pain and cortisol levels in people undergoing orthopedic surgery.


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How to Cite

Martins, D. A. (2023). Effects of shiatsu on pain in people with limb fractures: clinical trial. Revista SOBECC, 28. https://doi.org/10.5327/Z1414-4425202328914

