Mapping the process of reprocessing cotton drapes


  • Mariana Fexina Tomé Enfermeira. Mestre em Ciências pela Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).
  • Antônio Fernandes Costa Lima Enfermeiro. Professor Associado do Departamento de Orientação Profissional da Escola de enfermagem da USP.


Protective clothing. Product packaging. Costs and cost analysis. Nursing.


Objective: To map the process of reprocessing cotton drapes composing the surgical LAP packages. Method: Quantitative, exploratory, descriptive, single-case study conducted in the Clothing Service (SR) and Material and Sterilization Center (CME) at a teaching hospital. The whole process was followed up through non-participant observations at SR and CME and, later, meetings were held with representatives of the professional of SR (cleaners) and CME (nursing technicians and nursing assistants) aimed at detailing, completion and validation of the steps and activities observed. Results: Four stages regarding the reprocessing of cotton drapes were mapped and validated: processing of clothes by an outsourced laundry, entry of clothes in SR, putting together and sterilizing surgical LAP packages and storing them at CME. Conclusion: The mapping enabled the visualization of resources consumed in the process by providing information that will contribute to the rational allocation of resources.


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How to Cite

Tomé, M. F., & Lima, A. F. C. (2015). Mapping the process of reprocessing cotton drapes. Revista SOBECC, 20(4), 197–201. Retrieved from

