Risk of injury by surgical positioning in the elderly: prevalence and associated factors





Perioperative nursing, Elderly, Patient positioning, Prevalence


Objective: To estimate the prevalence of injury risk due to positioning in the elderly and to analyze associations with variables of the Risk Assessment Scale for the Development of Injuries Due to Surgical Positioning (ELPO). Method: Cross-sectional study, carried out in the surgical block of a teaching hospital, with a sample of 138 elderly people undergoing elective surgery in the trans-operative period. The ELPO scale was applied after anesthetic induction, and next the data were analyzed to estimate the prevalence of risk. Results: The prevalence of high risk of injury in the elderly was 57.24%, associated with the types of position – supine and Trendelenburg; local anesthetic induction and sedation; and patient aged between 70 and 79 years. The categories "limb position", "comorbidities" and "patient age" showed strong predictive power in relation to high risk. Conclusions: The prevalence of high risk of positioning injury among the elderly is related to age and the presence of comorbidities, highlighting the importance of rethinking care for the elderly, in the perioperative period, to achieve quality care with attention to surgical positioning.


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How to Cite

Nova, F. A. de L. V., Farias, R. de A., Leite, M. A. P., Rabelo Pereira, R., Leal, N. P. da R., Bittencourt, G. K. G. D., & Pontes, M. de L. de F. (2023). Risk of injury by surgical positioning in the elderly: prevalence and associated factors. Revista SOBECC, 28. https://doi.org/10.5327/Z1414-4425202328899

