Cell phone use and healthcare-associated infections: integrative review
Smartphone, Cell phone, Hospitals, Infection controlAbstract
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Health services are very concerned with quality of care, patient safety and reduction of the incidence of infections related to health care, which are considered adverse events and influence the increase in morbidity and mortality. The widespread use of cell phones is widespread, and they have become work tools for healthcare professionals. As they have a direct contact surface between hands and other objects, they become an important source of microorganisms within hospital environments. Objective: To conduct a search for existing publications that relate the use of cell phones with infections related to health care within the hospital environment. Method: Integrative review, with a search in five databases, carried out between March and April 2021. Results: 17 articles were included, published in English in international journals, between 2016 and 2021. Conclusion: Identified in all articles the occurrence of cell phone contamination. It was also shown that frequent decontamination of cell phones and hand hygiene are indicated to reduce the risk of infection.
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