Perception of patients and surgeons regarding self-demarcation of surgical sites for elective surgery: a pilot study
Procedimentos cirúrgicos eletivos. Segurança do paciente. Autocuidado. Centro cirúrgico hospitalar. Demarcação de sítio cirúrgicoAbstract
Objective: To measure the accuracy rate in the self-demarcation of laterality performed by elective surgery patients in the immediate preoperative period and to analyze the perception of patients and surgeons regarding this practice. Method: Cross-sectional study developed from June to December 2018, in a private hospital in southern Brazil. The sample consisted of 105 patients undergoing elective surgical procedures for ambiguous organs, who answered a questionnaire about the demarcation of the surgical site. Data were evaluated using descriptive analysis. Results: 105 questionnaires were analyzed, of which three were excluded because they were incomplete, thus, the sample consisted of 102 documents. All patients performed the self-demarcation in the correct site. Among participants, 93% of patients and 99% of surgeons reported feeling confident about self-demarcation. Conclusion: Self-demarcation may complement care practice, consisting of another safety barrier and promoting the patient’s participation as a care agent, but it does not replace confirmation by the surgeon in the preoperative period.
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