Implementation of the Munro Scale for Perioperative Pressure Injury Risk Assessment




Risk assessment, Perioperative nursing, Pressure ulcer, Electronic health records


Objective: To describe the implementation of the Munro scale in electronic medical records to assess the risk of pressure injury in patients in the perioperative period. Method: Experience report on the process of implementing the Munro scale electronic system in a large philanthropic hospital located in the city of São Paulo, with 40 nurses. Results: The Munro scale was implemented in the electronic medical record, with a quick view of its result in safety alerts on the surgical map panel. To use the technique, 40 nurses were trained in two stages: in the distance learning modality and in person, when they followed its application. Three of these professionals required one more day of follow-up and five had queries about the applicability criteria after training. Conclusion: The implementation of the Munro scale was completed in the proposed primary unit, and the systematic risk determination and implementation of preventive measures contributed to avoid perioperative pressure injuries. The electronic system provided agility for implementation, and the alerts and visualization on a surgical map improved communication with the team in the identification of risk; there were few queries about the process or any items of the scale.

Author Biographies

Cristina Silva Sousa, Universidade de São Paulo – São Paulo (SP), Brasil.

Doutora em Enfermagem pela EEUSP. Enfermeira senior no centro cirurgico do Hospital Sírio-Libanês

Andrea Alfaya Acunã, Hospital Sírio-Libanês – São Paulo (SP), Brasil.

Gerente do Bloco Operatório.


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How to Cite

Sousa, C. S., & Acunã, A. A. (2022). Implementation of the Munro Scale for Perioperative Pressure Injury Risk Assessment. Revista SOBECC, 27.

