Pre- and postoperative nursing visits: comprehensive review
Perioperative nursing, Nursing care, Perioperative period, Perioperative care, Nursing processAbstract
Objective: To analyze the scientific production about pre- and postoperative nursing visits. Method: Comprehensive review with searches in the
Virtual Health Library, Web of Science, SCOPUS, LILACS, CINAHL, PubMed and SciELO databases. The research question was: “what is the focus of scientific articles that discuss pre- and postoperative nursing visits?”. Results: Nine recently published articles were identified, three of which were in international
journals and six in Brazilian ones. Eight articles focused on the preoperative visit and only one on the postoperative visit. Most studies were classified as having a
low level of evidence and two as having a moderate level. Conclusion: Studies on nursing visits are more focused on preoperative visits, finding that they reduce
the anxiety of surgical patients and emphasizing that, when not performed, they directly worsen the quality of nursing care. Difficulties in making nursing visits
are found in some services, either due to the high demand for care and administrative activities or due to the lack of knowledge of nurses and human resources.
Keywords: Perioperative nursing. Nursing care. Perioperative period. Perioperative care. Nursing process.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Carmem Dalpiaz Camargo, Bárbara Rodrigues Araujo, Amanda Ferreira Francisco, Aline da Silveira Lourenço, Rita Catalina Aquino Caregnato
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