Jurado simulado como metodología de enseñanza de material y centro de esterilización
Nursing education, Teaching, Problem-based learningAbstract
Objective: To report the experience of a simulated jury as a didactic-pedagogical strategy in the teaching-learning process of the curricular component: Material and Sterilization Center—linked to the Nursing course at Nossa Senhora das Graças Nursing School (FENSG), Universidade de Pernambuco—using a remote approach, due to the pandemic circumstances. Method: Experience report prepared by students and professors at Universidade de Pernambuco. The activity consisted of a mock jury, based on journalistic material about the Porter Adventist Hospital case, concerning the consequences of alleged inappropriate practices in the processing of health products. The content was translated and made available to the students, who acted as prosecution and defense attorneys in the case, as determined by the professors. Three stages made up the mock jury: indictment, rebuttal and rejoinder, with a stipulated time of 15 minutes for the indictment and rebuttal, and half the initial time for the rejoinder in response to the defense. Results: The prosecution supported its allegations, mostly, by the Resolution of the Collegiate Board of Directors of the National Health Surveillance Agency No. 15/2012. On the other hand, the defense ratified its positions on the lack of attestations against Porter hospital, defendant in the case. Conclusion: In the simulated jury, the formulation of arguments impacts the teaching-learning process by qualifying future nurses for the requirements of good practices in the processing of health products, in addition to the operationalization, supervision and management within the Material and Sterilization Center.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Beatriz Mendonça Morais Alves, Bárbara Maria Viana de Couto, Dhebora Santos de Souza, Nicolle Augusta Artoni de Brito, Marília Perrelli Valença, Emanuela Batista Ferreira e Pereira
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