Problem situation: an active methodology with operating room nurses for educational procedure about anesthesia




Objective: To test an educational procedure among operating room nurses in order to discuss care limitations during anesthesia. Method: A descriptive
study about a problem situation based on problem-based learning. A sample composed of 19 nurses that were divided into three groups which resulted
in two meetings for a survey, problem resolution and concept synthesis. Results: In the first meeting, problem limitations were identified in relation to
care organization, knowledge, professionals’ training for care practice and problems in the work process, which influenced the nurses’ actions. In the second
meeting, the formulated questions were answered according to the literature review about anesthesia, care protocols and uniformity of actions. More than
half of the nurses investigated considered that the activity contributed as a means to reflect on the nurses’ actions in anesthesia, daily activities and professional
attitudes as well as on the need for involvement with care and review of concepts. Conclusion: The use of problem situation as a methodology for education
in nursing supported the conceptual discussions among nurses about anesthesia and the reflection on performance in the operating room.

Author Biographies

Cassiane Santana Lemos, professora da Faculdade de Ciências Medicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo-FCMSCSP.

professora da Faculdade de Ciências Medicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo-FCMSCSP.

Vanessa Brito Poveda, Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo

Livre docente na Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo


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How to Cite

Lemos, C. S., & Poveda, V. B. (2021). Problem situation: an active methodology with operating room nurses for educational procedure about anesthesia. Revista SOBECC, 26(3).

