Suspension of orthopedic surgeries for extrinsic reasons in older patients




Enfermagem, Centro Cirúrgico, Ortopedia, Idoso


Objective: To identify the rates and extrinsic reasons for the suspension of elective orthopedic surgeries in older adults and the course until
their performance, according to sex, age group, origin, and type of surgery. Method: This is a retrospective descriptive study with a quantitative analytical
approach and variable correlation, carried out in a teaching hospital from January to June 2018. The sample consisted of orthopedic surgery patients aged
60 years and older. Results: Out of the 543 orthopedic surgeries scheduled for older adults, 93 (17.41%) were suspended. The main reason for suspension
was the previous surgery lasting longer than expected (35.48%); the surgery was canceled once and performed 1–2 days after the suspension (91.87%),
with statistical significance (p=0.00). Conclusion: We found that the rate of surgical suspension for extrinsic reasons in orthopedic older patients was
17.41%. Surgical suspension remains a great challenge for professionals and health facilities, showing the significant involvement of nurses in detecting
and solving surgical delays in order to decrease their incidence.


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How to Cite

Bizo, M., Gragnani, M. C. V., Laluce, T. O., Gouveia, J. L., Ruiz, P. B. de O., & Ribeiro, R. C. H. M. (2021). Suspension of orthopedic surgeries for extrinsic reasons in older patients. Revista SOBECC, 26(2), 77–83.

