Warmed venous infusion in the prevention of intraoperative hypothermia complications
Hypothermia. Perioperative nursing. Intraoperative complications.Abstract
Objective: The present study aims to analyze the complications related to hypothermia in the intraoperative period using warmed venous infusion. Method: An experimental, comparative, prospective, field study using a quantitative approach was carried out in a public hospital. The sample consisted of 60 adults divided into one control and one experimental group. The groups were formed using the systematic probabilistic sampling technique. Inclusion criteria comprised axillary temperature between 36 and 37.1 °C. Results: The following complications were observed: tachycardia, arterial hypertension, and bleeding. Arterial hypertension and bleeding presented statistical significance between the groups, p=0.0150 and p=0.0050, respectively. No statistical significance was found between the groups (p=1.0000) for tachycardia. Conclusion: The use of isolated warmed venous infusion does not prevent complications related to intraoperative hypothermia. It is the nursing staff’s duty to plan the nursing interventions required to avoid hypothermia and maintain normothermia.
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