Can nursing actions prevent surgical wound dehiscence?
Deiscência de Feridas Cirúrgicas, Infecção da Ferida Cirúrgica, Feridas Cirúrgicas, Enfermagem Perioperatória, Assistência Perioperatória, Período perioperatórioAbstract
Objective: To identify useful nursing interventions for preventing Surgical Wound Dehiscence in scientific literature. Method: This is an integrative
literature review, guided by the question: are there nursing actions that can contribute to the prevention of surgical wound dehiscence? The search was
carried out in March 2019, including articles published from 1990 to 2018. We used the following databases and/or portals to select the articles: National
Library of Medicine (PubMed); Web of Science; Scopus Info Site (Scopus); Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), and
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINHAL). Results: The search resulted in 64 articles. We excluded four of them for being
duplicates, and another 40 that did not meet the inclusion criteria (24 were about treatment, 13 due to the nature of the article, two were not available,
and one was in French). Twenty articles were fully evaluated, and 14 were excluded because they did not answer the guiding question of this review.
Thus, at the end of this analysis process, we selected six articles that met the inclusion criteria and constituted the final sample. Conclusion: The nursing
production on the subject was scarce. The main nursing actions for preventing surgical wound dehiscence are associated with the prevention of surgical
site infections and the indication and use of negative pressure wound therapy
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