Prevalence, intensity and discomfort of thirst in surgical patients in the immediate post-operative period




Sede. Cuidado de enfermagem. Enfermagem perioperatória. Prevalência.


Objective: To assess the prevalence, intensity and discomfort of thirst in the immediate postoperative period. Method: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative epidemiological study conducted in a university hospital in the South of Brazil, from August to September 2012. The sample consisted of 386 patients in anesthesia recovery from elective and emergency surgeries. A semi-structured questionnaire was used, consisting of demographic, clinical, and thirst-related variables. Results: The prevalence of thirst was 78% (303 patients), with an average intensity of 6.94 (standard deviation — SD=2.2) and spontaneous complaint of thirst in 38.3% of the cases (116 patients). The discomforts reported were: dry mouth, search for water, hyposalivation, dry throat, dry lips, dry tongue and willingness to swallow. All discomforts presented a positive Pearson correlation as to the presence of thirst. Conclusion: Immediate postoperative thirst is intense, prevalent and with uncomfortable peripheral signs. These facts substantiate the need to intentionally identify, measure, evaluate and treat thirst in this period.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, L. A. do, Nakaya, T. G., Conchon, M. F., Garcia, A. K. A., Pierotti, I., Serato, V. M., & Fonseca, L. F. (2019). Prevalence, intensity and discomfort of thirst in surgical patients in the immediate post-operative period. Revista SOBECC, 24(2), 85–90.

