Laryngoscope handles reprocessing: integrative review


  • Camila Quartim de Moraes Bruna Enfermeiro(a). Doutor(a). Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).
  • Rafael Queiroz de Souza Enfermeiro(a). Doutor(a). Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).
  • Alda Graciele Claudio dos Santos Almeida Enfermeira. Mestre. Escola de Enfermagem da USP.
  • Karina Suzuki Enfermeiro(a). Doutor(a). Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).
  • Ruth Natália Tereza Turrini Enfermeira. Livre Docente. Escola de Enfermagem da USP
  • Kazuko Uchikawa Graziano Enfermeira. Livre Docente. Escola de Enfermagem da USP



Laryngoscopes. Disinfection. Classification.


Objective: This is an integrative review study of the scientific literature based on the following guiding question: “What kind of processing is required for the safety reuse of the laryngoscope handle?” Method: An integrative review was performed using the following portals and databases: Pubmed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, and CINAHL. Results: Seven experimental studies were found and the results showed the uncertainty of the classification of the laryngoscope handle in relation to the risk of causing infection, proven by the diversity of reprocessing methods identified. Conclusion: We concluded that the laryngoscope handles cannot be considered independent of the blades and, therefore, they are semicritical materials. Considering the microbial and the organic load identified in this review, the recommended minimal processing is cleaning, followed by the high-level disinfection. A small inventory and the lack of access to technologies for reprocessing are not acceptable reasons for improvised recommendations, thus avoiding the certification and the spread of the bad practices.


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How to Cite

Bruna, C. Q. de M., Souza, R. Q. de, Almeida, A. G. C. dos S., Suzuki, K., Turrini, R. N. T., & Graziano, K. U. (2016). Laryngoscope handles reprocessing: integrative review. Revista SOBECC, 21(1), 37–45.

