Surgical positioning: prevalence of risk of injuries in surgical patients
Posicionamento do paciente, Medição de risco, Período intraoperatório, Enfermagem perioperatória, Ferimentos e lesõesAbstract
Objective: To determine the prevalence of patients at risk of developing lesions due to surgical positioning. Method: A cross-sectional study
was carried out in a private hospital in southern Brazil. Randomized sample with 378 adult patients submitted to elective surgeries between January and
September 2017. The Risk Assessment Scale for the Development of Injuries due to Surgical Positioning (ELPO) was used after anesthetic induction
and a descriptive analysis was performed. Results: The prevalence of patients at high risk of developing lesions was 19.05% (n=72). The lithotomic position
was identified as the one with greatest risk (59.72%; n=43). The mean ELPO score in the sample was 16.317 (standard deviation=3.6176) and the
median was 16, meaning low risk of developing lesions. Conclusion: ELPO allowed to determine the prevalence of risk for lesions in patients submitted
to elective procedures, identifying that the risk is more related to surgical position than to the size of the surgery.
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