The role of the nurse along the perioperative period in order to prevent deep vein thrombosis


  • Nathália Gustavo Pinho Enfermeira, graduada pela Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA).
  • Karin Viegas Nurse, PhD from the UFCSPA – Porto Alegre (RS), Brasil.
  • Rita Catalina Aquino Caregnato Enfermeira, Doutora pela UFCSPA – Porto Alegre (RS), Brasil.



Venous thrombosis, Perioperative nursing, Disease Prevention.


Objectives: Determining how nurses implement deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prevention during the perioperative period in patients submitted to large surgeries and detecting the risk factors to the occurrences of DVT previously traced by nurses. Methodology: A case study with a qualitative approach. A sample of 12 nurses in the inpatient unit, operating room, and postanesthesia recovery room of a hospital specializing in trauma Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil. We used semi-structured interviews with 10 leading questions. For data interpretation, the Content Analysis Method introduced by Bardin was adopted. Results: Three final categories came up from the content analysis: risk factors to DVT, preventive measures to DVT, and adversities in implementing the systematization of nursing care in perioperative. Conclusion: Nurses perform prevention of DVT with massage, observation, physical examination/assessment, protective measures, and change of position but lack autonomy to apply some preventive measures. They showed several risk factors for the occurrence of DVT according to the literature, proving they have the knowledge about the disease.


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How to Cite

Pinho, N. G., Viegas, K., & Caregnato, R. C. A. (2016). The role of the nurse along the perioperative period in order to prevent deep vein thrombosis. Revista SOBECC, 21(1), 28–36.

