
  • Leocádia Bernardi Enfermeira Coordenadora, Professora Revisora da Tachhimed, Bento Gonçalves (RS).
  • Denilse Damasceno Trevilato Enfermeira Assistencial do Centro Cirúrgico do Hospital Moinhos de Vento, Porto Alegre (RS).


Pediatric nursing, Mother-child relations, Operating Room Nursing.


This is a qualitative, phenomenological-type study with an exploratory and descriptive approach whose general objective is to discover the feelings of mothers at the moment their child is taken into surgery. It was carried out in a midsized hospital in the Serra Gaúcha (Rio Grande do Sul mountain range). The subjects consisted of seven mothers interviewed during the surgery. Infonnation was collected by means of semi-structured interviews that were recorded and transcribed . The analysis method employed was that of Content Analysis according to Bardin. Emerging categories included : anxiety, fear, faith, acceptance, separation, doubts and coun­ seling in relation to the procedure. We noted that each mother reacts differently and has different perceptions about the situation she is experiencing, and that the most difficult moment for ali of them was at the separation, surpassing the feelings of anxiety and fear. The moth­ ers responded positively with respect to the levei of clarification provided by the preoperative  counseling .


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How to Cite

Bernardi, L., & Trevilato, D. D. (2009). EXPERIENCING A CHILD’S SURGERY AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE SURGERY CENTER. Revista SOBECC, 14(4), 40–45. Retrieved from https://revista.sobecc.org.br/sobecc/article/view/369

