Analyze Stress in patients in Immediate Preoperative


  • Ana Lucia Siqueira Costa Enfermeira; professora doutora do Departamento de Enfermagem Médico­ Cirúrgica da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo ( EEU SP)
  • Estela Regina Ferraz Bianchi Enfermeira; professora associada do Departamento de Enfermagem Médico­ Cirúrgica da EEUSP.


stress, coping, Surgical Nursing.


This invest igat ion analyzes stress occurrences either in daily life and immediate preoperative period of 100 urology surgical pat ient s. An instrument includin g  the  pat ie nt s'  personal  data records and a 43- ite m questionnaire approaching the somatic and psycho­ logical stress manifestations was used for data  collection.  Stress  man ife stat ion were  scored   for  both   s i tuat  io ns according the patients' own evalua tion. Observations were made on the male (8 4%) affected by benign pathologies (59 % ), and those to be submitted to major and medium surgeries (8 4% ). Most patients (80%) had been submitted to previous surgeries. Results showed  the  predominance  of  patients with low total stress scoring either for daily l if e situations and imme d iate preoperative period. The comparison between the total stress scoring among the  studies  subjects  showed  statistical significance for  muscular  manifestations with   h ighe r scoring   for daily   l i fe  sit ua tions.  Analysis  of  the  present results provided a better understanding concerning  the  coping  or  adaptat ion st rateg ies  developed   by  patients  in order to deal with the st ressef u l situations ahead .


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How to Cite

Costa, A. L. S., & Bianchi, E. R. F. (2006). Analyze Stress in patients in Immediate Preoperative. Revista SOBECC, 11(4), 14–19. Retrieved from

