Cancellations of Elective Surgeries in a University Hospital


  • Janaína Anchieta Costa Enfermeira da Central de Material Esterilizado do Hospital de Clínicas da Fundação, Ensino e Pesquisa de Uberlândia (FAEPU) da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU); coordenadora da Central de Materiais e Esterilização do Hospital e Mater­nidade Madrecor.
  • Adriane Corrêa Jansen Enfermeira; mestre em Enfermagem; docente da Escola Técnica de Saúde da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


Operation Roam, Operating Roam Nursing, organization center & administration, hospitals university, programmed surgeries, cancellations surgeries.


The study was carried out in an university hospital of Triângulo Mineiro, Brazil, having as a goal to study the exploitation  of the Surgical Center, in relation to the accomplishment and cancellation of programmed surgeries, and to analyze the main motives and reasons for their cancellation. The data collection was based on the register book of daily surgical movement,  in the maps of  the daily  surgeries  programming and in the Nursing reports, from February to April of 2002. The results demonstrated the índex of suspension of 25,37%, having as main causes: lack of internment of the patient (29,46%), overcome the lenght of time ( 1 4, 1 0%) and lack of patinent's clinicai conditions (12,85%). lt  is necessary  to establish measures that guide the process of controling and the planning of the programmed surgical procedures and also to make possible the maximum exploitation of the available time in the sector.


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How to Cite

Costa, J. A., & Jansen, A. C. (2006). Cancellations of Elective Surgeries in a University Hospital. Revista SOBECC, 11(3), 38–43. Retrieved from

