The technological advance and the humanization in the care in Surgical Center


  • Luiz Faustino dos Santos Maia Enfermeiro graduado pela Universidade Bandeirante de São Paulo ( Uniban); pós-graduando em Saúde Coletiva com ênfase em Saúde da Família pela Universidade Nove de Julho.
  • Eliane Batista do Nascimento Enfermeira graduada pela Uniban
  • Virgínia Gerardini


assistance, Nursing, Surgical Center


The Nursing is a science that has developed itself through the decades, keeping a narrow relation with the history of the civilization. Beyond science it is a profession that plays an important role in promoting the welfare of the human being and  a better quality of  life. With the scientific technological advance and the modernization of procedures tied up with the necessity of establishing cont rai, the nu rse started to assume more and more administrative work, bringing the necessity of rescuing the human istic values of the Nursing assistance. The responsi­ bility and the importance of how much the assistance of the psychosomatic necessities of the surgical patient must be detected, as it possess specific function in the effectiveness of the therapeutic outcome, its attitude can hinder or facilitate the recovery program, perceiving that the patient is invaded for fear of the strange surrounding  in an unknown  place.  ln the academic edu­ cation the communication  is an important goal to establish an opened, clear and enlightening dialogue with the customer. The  forms  and   f un ct io ns  of  the thera pe ut ic communication and its applicability in the nurse's daily routine must be debated constantly among academics, and with the persistence of the professors d ur ing the process of education   offering   subsidies    for im provement of communication and planning of the ass istance in practical act ivities


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How to Cite

Maia, L. F. dos S., Nascimento, E. B. do, & Gerardini, V. (2017). The technological advance and the humanization in the care in Surgical Center. Revista SOBECC, 11(3), 26–31. Retrieved from

