The Humanization in the Management of New Technologies by Perioperative Nurses


  • Marluce Alves Nunes Oliveira Enfermeira; mestre em Engenharia de Produção na área de Mídia e Conhe­ cimento; docente do curso de graduação em Enfermagem e coordenadora adm i­ nistrativa do Departamento de Saúde da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (BA); representante da UEFS da Rede Temática Estrategias de Intervención en Materia Socio-Sanitaira dei Programa de Cooperación lnteruniversitaria para el Estabelecimento de Redes de la Agencia Espanola de Cooperación Internacional (A ECI) .


humanization in nursery, management of new technologies at Operation Roam, management in Nursing


ln the contemporary world new technologies are essential for creating modem societies. The human relationship and humanization of care are primordiais to the management of new tecnologies in the operation room s. This work is an explanatory and descriptive study about the humanization in the management of new tecnologies of nurses in the operation rooms. lt intends to evaluate the humani­ zation developed by nurses when they manage technologies in the operation rooms. lt was developed in hospitais at Feira de Santana/Bahia-Brasil, in the year 20 0 2. The sample was formed with 3 3 nurses having some experience in O R . To collect data it was used a questionnare and descriptive statistics for interpreta tion, analysis and discussion of the result. After the data analysis, it was observed that 8 4, 4% of the nurses informed that organization and the systematization contributes tho the humanization, 53,1% affirm that it has improvement of the quality of care. The conclusion was that the humanization  in the management of new technologies in ORs at hospitais lacks of systemize activities to provide an human care and a better domain of new technologies. The study suggests that there is an ample quarrel among professional nurses and the importancy of the humanization in a health team in the management of new technologies in the surgery centers.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, M. A. N. (2005). The Humanization in the Management of New Technologies by Perioperative Nurses. Revista SOBECC, 10(4), 8–12. Retrieved from

