Morbid obestiy surgery: Nurse experience with a multidisciplinary team


  • Márcia Teresinha Schmitt Schmitt Enfermeira do Centro Cirúrgico e do Centro da Obesidade Mórbida do Hospital São Lucas da PontiFícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul e especialista em Centro Cirúrgico, Recuperação Anestésica e Centro de Material e Esterilização pela SOBECC, em 1 999, com licenciatura em Enfermagem conferida pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul em 1994.


Perioperative Nurse care, multidisciplinary staff, surgical obese


The present research reports a nurse s expenénce with morb1d obesity surgery atCOM, Centro de  Obesidade Morbid at São Lucas Hospital - PU C- RS .  The daily routine and the nursing assistance to the surgica/ obese patient invo!ve techniques and procedures that must be considered not on/y during the surgery, but also in the pre and post operation period The ob;éctive of this assignment is to highhght the relevance of the nursing action, calhng the attention to the professionals of the area to this new fie/d of action. The morbid obese  pa fléntinserted in surgery context, is getting more and more common in our practice, which imposes the need of cons1dering him as a different patJént due to his pecuharitJé s. The growing weight of the worlds population, speCJal/y in Brazi/, is increasing cons1derab/y in the last years, which makes us to think on the relevance of the subject.



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How to Cite

Schmitt, M. T. S. (2004). Morbid obestiy surgery: Nurse experience with a multidisciplinary team. Revista SOBECC, 9(4), 15–18. Retrieved from

