Nurse anestesia pratice: a profound study of riu perioperative nurse


  • Carla Curi Responsável pela triagem e pela orientação de Enfermagem na FONEMED BRASIL.
  • Aparecida de Cassia Giani Peniche Professora doutora do Departamento de Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo


anesthesia nurse, anesthesist, Perioperative Nurse.


The Job oi nurses to provide anesthesia 1s an advanced practice performed by high/y competent  and legally authonzed  professionals. Anesthetic Nursing was the hrst specialization in cli"nical practice established in the USA ,  in  18701     and  was dtspersed over 100 counrties. Nevertheless, it 1s a non ex1stent practice in Braztl. As we analyze similari ties and overlapping practices performed by the perioperative nurse and the anesthet1st nurse, it 1s our belief that th1s specialty the w1/I be necessary in Brazt! We hope th1s article w1/I motive dtscussion and encourage changes in Nursing curriculum


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How to Cite

Curi, C., & Peniche, A. de C. G. (2004). Nurse anestesia pratice: a profound study of riu perioperative nurse. Revista SOBECC, 9(3), 8–13. Retrieved from

