Investigate the hands colonization among nursing professional


  • lolanda Beserra da Costa Santos Doutora em Ciências da Saúde pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba ( UFPB ) e docente da disciplina Enfermagem Cirúrgica no DEMCNCCS da UFPB
  • Lauro Santos Filho Doutor em Microbiologia e docente da disciplina Microbiologia Clínica no Departamento de Ciências Farmacêuticas da UFPB


Nursing, bacteria, hands hygiene.


problem in the hospital This study has as objectives 1 to investigate the hands colom­ zation among nursing professionals  working at c!t'nical units and surg1cal center and to analyse the amount oi bacterial m1áollora on the hands before and alter the use oi gel alcohol The research ,s an experimental triai developed   in  the  University   Hospital  and Tropical Medicine Centre at the Federal University oi Paraíba, during october 2000 to may 2001 the sample was constituted by 116  pro fessionals1    involving  31  nurses and 79 nursing   technicians.    The  results demonstrate a prevalence oi Gram-positive bacteria. The stat1stical analys1s revealed the average number oi colony forming unit 1so!ated Iram nurses was 21  5 9 and nursing technicians 2 60. The gel alcoho/  effectiveness was venhéd in 5 31  3 % of ai/ cases.  We conclude showing the  importance  oi  the  colomzation in the infection contrai and recommend to nursing staff the ut,!tzation oi  gel alcoho/ as an efháent agent to clean hands in the hospital environment1 reflecting  in  this  professional conduct  an innovative  point  of view



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How to Cite

Santos, lolanda B. da C., & Filho, L. S. (2004). Investigate the hands colonization among nursing professional. Revista SOBECC, 9(2), 29–34. Retrieved from

