Surgical gloves: allergic reactions and perception of effectiveness in the excibition prevention corporal fluids for the surgical team


  • Camila Camondy Bertaglia Enfermeira de Centro Cirúrgico
  • Rubia Aparecida Lacerda Enfermeira e professora livre-docente da Escola de Enfermagem da USP


surgical gloves1 allergic reactions, equipments oi individual protection, quali'ty of materiais.


The study ob;écti!ied 1denttfy the types  of  gloves  used  in  surgerie s1 allergic reactions and to investigate its characteristics with relationship to the resistancesensib11ity comfort and causes ofintegrity loss. The glove used   was  the  one  of   simple  latex. The /re q uency oi allergic reactions went superior to lound them in literature1    being the tale the main  agen tThe results  suggest  that the integrity and the allergic reactions depend more on the quality oi the glo ves and conditions of the surgery, that of the type of gloves . The fact of those results not always they have coincided with the one of the researched hterature suggest that the evaluation of  the gloves should not  /iinit  you  just  test1 but to also consider the individual perception oi the ones that uses them.


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How to Cite

Bertaglia, C. C., & Lacerda, R. A. (2004). Surgical gloves: allergic reactions and perception of effectiveness in the excibition prevention corporal fluids for the surgical team. Revista SOBECC, 9(1), 7–12. Retrieved from

