Development and assessment of a virtual learning environment for training in malignant hyperthermia


  • Emanuela Batista Ferreira e Pereira
  • Brenna Cavalcanti Maciel Modesto
  • Marilia Perrelli Valença
  • Walmir Soares da Silva Junior
  • Claudinalle Farias Queiroz de Souza



Hipertermia maligna, Centros cirúrgicos, Enfermagem perioperatóra, Educação em saúde, Informática em enfermagem


Objective: To develop and assess the performance of a virtual learning environment (VLE) called “Tele-education in Malignant Hyperthermia”
to promote health education for surgery nursing teams. Method: This is a technology validation study of methodological development research with
quantitative and qualitative approach. It revealed the process of creation and assessment of an educational multimedia program as a VLE website for
nursing professionals of surgery centers and for experts in health informatics. Results: The experts’ assessment showed great acceptability of the program
and received a classification of “very good” in most of the assessed items. Conclusion: The developed virtual learning environment is an effective
tool to support teaching on malignant hyperthermia for nursing teams of surgery centers.


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How to Cite

Pereira, E. B. F. e, Modesto, B. C. M., Valença, M. P., Junior, W. S. da S., & Souza, C. F. Q. de. (2017). Development and assessment of a virtual learning environment for training in malignant hyperthermia. Revista SOBECC, 22(4), 180–187.

