Actions of surgery center nurses before the systematization of perioperative nursing care
Pesquisa em Enfermagem, Enfermagem Perioperatória, Cuidados de Enfermagem, Atitude do Pessoal de SaúdeAbstract
Introduction: The Perioperative Nursing Care Systematization (PNCS) is a valuable instrument for patient’s care in a full, continuous, safe and humanized
manner by the nursing team, which is comprised of five phases: nursing preoperative visit, planning, implementation, evaluation and reformulation of the care to be
planned. Objective: To describe the nurses’ actions regarding PNCS in a surgery center (SC) from a hospital in the countryside of São Paulo. Methods: Cross-sectional
and descriptive study. Results: We observed little knowledge and contact of the nurses with the PNCS; the actions of the nurses regarding it obtained a score of 89.55;
most of the adjectives scored ≥5.5; the higher the time worked in the institution, the higher the contact with the PNCS. Conclusion: The implementation of the PNCS is
notable and a challenge for surgery nurses, even if it is a tool to make nursing care individualized and effective; therefore, minimizing postoperative risks and complications.
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