Challenges in subsequent loads in saturated steam sterilization: comparative study of performance


  • Ana Paula Nascimento Neves Quintino



Esterilização. Vapor Saturado. Indicador químico. Indicador biológico. Teste Hélix.


Objectives: To evaluate the performance of the challenges with chemical indicators commercialized in the monitoring of saturated steam
sterilization in a hospital autoclave in cycles of 134ºC and 121ºC, and to analyze the performance efficiency of the challenges in the monitoring of the
sterilization cycles. Method: Descriptive research. The data were collected on the evolution of the turn of the chemical indicators type 5 of the challenge
package A*, chemical indicators type 6 of challenge package B* and chemical indicators type 6 of the helix device C*. The challenge packages were submitted
to temperatures of 134ºC and 121ºC, following the interruption phases and total cycle time. Results: The data of the chemical indicators of the
challenges were tabulated according to the time of exposure and the interruption of the cycles. A table shows the results of the evolution of the turn
of the chemical indicators type 5 of the challenge package A*, type 6 of the challenge package B* and type 6 of the helix device type C*, submitted to
the temperatures of 134ºC and 121ºC, according to the phases of interruptions and total cycle time. Conclusion: Packages containing A* and B* have
chemical indicators of different types and presented similar results, and the difference between them was not conclusive. The helix device C* with type
6 indicator showed more precise performance in the monitoring of cycles at 134ºC and 121ºC.


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How to Cite

Quintino, A. P. N. N. (2017). Challenges in subsequent loads in saturated steam sterilization: comparative study of performance. Revista SOBECC, 22(3), 145–151.

