Systematization of nursing assistance in the post-anesthetic recovery room
Nursing diagnoses, Nursing care Post-anesthesic recovery.Abstract
The patient iii theimmediate post-operative period lias apotential risk of complications requiring
individualized riursing care. This studyainied to propose the irnplementation ofaprotocol of the Sistematization of"J ursingAssistance (SAE) in the Post-AnesthesicRecovery Rooni of one puhlic hospital iiithe Agreste of Pernambucano. It was usedas hasis. the Theory of Basic HumansNeeds of 1-lorta, the diagnoses of NorthAmerican Nursing Diagnosis Association(NAN DA) and nursing interventionsfrom Nursing 1 nterventions Classification(NIC). This is an exploratory. descriptiveand quantitative study. It was applied ahistory o!' n urs i ng 111 30 patients regi stredin (SRPA). lhe results showed diagnoseswith percentages abo e 70% are relatedto impaired skin mtegrity, nausea. riskfor intcction. These data enabled thedevelopment of a protocol of (SAE).composed of diagnoses and nursinginterventions in the form of check list.Therefore, (SAE) ifeffectively pricticed. ili bring benefits to the patient, to theinstitution and to the nurse
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