Surgical Positioning of clients undergoing hip surgery: adverse events


  • Andréia Regina Lopes Grigoleto Enfermeira, Mestre em Enfermagem pela Universidade de Guarulhos (UNG), Professora da Universidade Castelo Branco (UNICASTELO).
  • Maria do Carmo Querido Avelar Enfermeira, Doutora em Enfermagem pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Professora de Mestrado da Universidade de Guarulhos (UNG).


Patieni positioning, Surgery, Orthopedics, lntraoperative complications.


This study aims to identify the adverse events resulting from surgical positioning of patients submitted to hip surgery. It is a work of scientific literature review, composed by on-line studies at liealtli databases arca. using for searclies the kevwords iii health sciences. Theresults indicated the following adverse events reported in studies: hypotension, paresis, paresthesia. paraplegy, reductional transcutaneous oxygen levels lowerthan 20 mm Hg: compartment syndromeand rhabdomvolysis. E concludes that,perioperative teani musi dispose of strategies. using basic science knowledge such as anatomy and pliysiolog, as dl as the technological resources, in order that canensure customer safety during surgical anesthesia period.


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How to Cite

Grigoleto, A. R. L., & Avelar, M. do C. Q. (2012). Surgical Positioning of clients undergoing hip surgery: adverse events. Revista SOBECC, 17(1), 27–34. Retrieved from

