Nursing diagnoses, prognostics and interventions in the post-anesthesia care unit
Perioperative nursing, Nursing in the recovery room, Post anesthesia recovery, Postoperative care, Nursing diagnoses.Abstract
Field survey, descriptive and exploratory,that aimed to raise the Nursing Diagnoses of patients who had undergone general surgery and were admitted to Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) and list the Interventions and Prognosis by Nursing Classification Interventions and Outcomes for the diagnoses identified. Data coliection was performed with 65 patients in the PACU of a extra large general hospitallocated in São Paulo. It was identified 22 categories of diagnosis, being 11 Potential Risk Diagnosis and 11 Real Diagnosis. 100% of them were verified: Risk of falling, Risk of aspiration, Risk of infection, Riskof body temperature im balance, Risk body fluid imbalance, lmpaired skin integrity, lneffective protection and lmpaired mobility in bed. The Outcomes and lnterventions address the following aspects: prevention of falls, precautions against aspiration, protection against infection, promotion of body temperature balance, maintenance of baseline body, promotings carring, pain control, adequate gas exchange,promotion of comfort and preventing complications.
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