Nursing practice in minimally invasive video-assisted cardiac surgery
Perioperative nursing. Operating room nursing. Thoracicsurgery, video-assisted.Abstract
Objective: To report the nursing practice in the perioperative period of minimally invasive video-assisted heart surgery. Method: This is an
account of the experiences of the nursing staff, during the perioperative period in this surgical technique, carried out in a teaching hospital that is a reference
center for cardiology in the State of São Paulo. Results: The observation on the importance of the role of the nursing department in the preparation
of the operating room, as well as in the reception of patients, assistance to anesthesia, preparation of patients for surgery, assistance to the team in
the intraoperative period and when the patient leaves the operating room, and meeting the demands of this innovative surgical procedure. Conclusion:
The nursing practice in the surgical center must be able to monitor the evolution of the surgical techniques, both in the handling of new materials and
equipment and in direct patient care, aiming at surgical safety.
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