Trends and challenges of surgical hand preparation


  • Julia Yaeko Kawagoe



Desinfecção de Mãos, Higienização de Mãos Pré-Cirúrgica, Sala Operatoria, Sala Cirurgica,


Objective: To describe trends and challenges of surgical hand preparation. Method: Narrative literature review, consulting the current international
and national guidelines and searching the following databases: the Cochrane Systematic Reviews and the VHL portal (Latin American and Caribbean
Center on Health Sciences Information), LILACS, IBECS, MEDLINE, Nursing Reference Center, and SciELO, using the keywords: Desinfecção das
Mãos, Salas Cirúrgicas; Hand Disinfection, Operating Rooms; Desinfección de las Manos, Quirófanos, and Boolean connectors AND/OR in the period
between 2006 and 2016. Results: Five guidelines of surgical hand preparation and two regulations on product evaluation for surgical hand preparation
were consulted. Twenty-two articles were identified in the database search and seven were selected: four literature reviews – three of them were systematic
reviews – and three studies evaluating cost and ecological sustainability. Conclusion: In the last decades, there have been major changes in the type
of antiseptic product, which favored the use of alcoholic preparation (AP), without using water and brush, considering the cost-effectiveness and ecological
sustainability when compared to traditional procedures such as surgical hand scrubbing with Polyvinylpyrrolidone Iodine (PVP-I) or Chlorhexedine
Gluconate (CHG). To incorporate best practices based on scientific evidence, a programmatic approach must be adopted, policies, and programs must
be implemented in order to manage including products and processes and monitor compliance with the procedures.
Keywords: Hand disinfection. Operating rooms. Hand hygiene.

Author Biography

Julia Yaeko Kawagoe

Enfermeira especialista em Prevenção e Controle de Infecção

Doutora em Enfermagem pela EEUSP

Docente do Curso Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem da Faculdade Israelita de Ciências da Saúde Albert Einstein

São Paulo. S/P


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How to Cite

Kawagoe, J. Y. (2016). Trends and challenges of surgical hand preparation. Revista SOBECC, 21(4), 217–222.



Artigos do 10º Simpósio Internacional SOBECC