Prevalence of and risk factors for surgical site infections in patients with myelomeningocele




enfermagem, centro cirúrgico


Objective: To determine the prevalence of and risk factors for surgical site infections (SSIs) in the treatment of children with myelomeningocele.
Methods: The medical records of children who underwent the procedure were listed; only the cases that tested positive for SSI were analyzed.
Results: From 2005 to 2010, 155 medical records were listed, 123 (79.35%) of which were found. Of these, 14 (9.03%) were discarded, and 109 (70.32%)
remained for analysis. There was a 33.94% prevalence of SSIs; the lumbosacral localization (32.43%) and ruptured lesions (83.78%) are predominant.
The majority (86.49%) of the children underwent surgical correction after 48 hours of life. In 11 (27.73%) cases, material from the surgical wound was
cultured, all of them (100%) were positive; Klebsiella pneumoniae (46.66%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (26.67%) prevailed. Conclusion: The prevalence
rate of SSIs in this study was high when compared to other types of surgery; for infected surgeries, however, the levels found are consistent with the literature,
which reports from 7% to 40%.

Author Biography

Natalie Rosa Pires Neves, Hospital Municipal Djalma Marques

Enfermeira, especialista em Centro Cirúrgico e Central de Material e Esterilização pelo Hospital Universitário Presidente Dutra - HUPD/UFMA, trabalha no Hospital Municipal Djalma Marques, setor de Centro Cirúrgico e Sala de Recuperação Pós-anestésica. Docente da Faculdade Pitágoras, como preceptora de estágio em Centro Cirúrgico e Central de Material e Esteriilzação.


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How to Cite

Rosa Pires Neves, N., Evangelista Correa Noleto, M., & Sousa Ribeiro, V. (2017). Prevalence of and risk factors for surgical site infections in patients with myelomeningocele. Revista SOBECC, 22(1), 10–16.

