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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution must be original and unpublished, and must not be under simultaneous evaluation for publication by another journal. Otherwise, please provide justification in the "Comments to the Editor" field

  • I am aware that all documents submitted are subject to analysis and detection by plagiarism detection software. Academic plagiarism at any level is a crime and violates the Brazilian legislation, specifically Article 184 of the Criminal Code and Article 7, third paragraph, of Law No. 9610-98, which governs copyright, and is considered a civil and criminal matter.

  •  I have the files to be uploaded as supplementary documents in OJS, after the submission of the original manuscript: (1) Declaration of Responsibility, Author Contribution, and Conflict of Interest; (2) Document of approval by the Research Ethics Committee, in compliance with Resolution 466/2012 of the Brazilian Health Council, which governs research involving human subjects, when appropriate; (3) Permission to reproduce photos, when appropriate

  • The file for submission is in Word format, typed in Portuguese, English or Spanish respecting the official orthography, in Arial size 12 font, with 1.5 cm spacing between lines, 2.5 cm margins (left, right, top and bottom), respecting the word limit according to the classification of the original: original, review (integrative or systematic) or experience report, including references, tables, charts, figures, photos and attachments.

  • The URLs (with active links) of references whose full texts are available online were included. Preference was given to persistent links, such as the DOI (Digital Object Identifier). CLICK HERE to find the DOI of the cited references.

  • Figures and tables are inserted in the text (not at the end of the document as annexes). The number of tables, charts, figures, and photos does not exceed five (5) in total. However, as the electronic version allows hypermedia resources, the use of audio, video and dynamic tables are welcome as publications in this format. Hypermedia documents will be uploaded as supplementary documents.

  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in Author Guidelines, on the About the Journal section.

  • In case of submission to a section with peer review (e.g., articles), author data has been correctly removed from document properties

  • Publishing costs:
    SOBECC Journal Revista SOBECC does not charge authors for submission. The approved manuscript publication fee is equal to R$1800.00 for non-members and R$900.00 for SOBECC members.

Author Guidelines

Submission process

Before submitting your article to Rev. SOBECC, please read these instructions carefully and check the items using the Checklist for authors, available at the end of this page. Furthermore, it is the author's obligation to read the journal's editorial policies in detail before submission, as they contain essential information about the editorial process and ethical issues in scientific publications.

Submissions will be carried out exclusively online through the Open Journal Systems (OJS). At the time of submission, the following additional documents must be present:

1.1 Declaration of Responsibility, Author Contribution and Conflict of Interest

1.2 Document of approval from an Ethics Committee in compliance with Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council, which provides instructions for research involving human beings, when applicable

1.3 Authorization to reproduce photos, when applicable

In any submission, authors must observe that the number of tables, charts, figures, photos, and attachments must not exceed five in total. However, as the electronic version allows hypermedia resources, the use of audios, videos, and dynamic tables is welcome to be published in this format.

Original photos will be sent for publication; however, reproduction of material published in Rev. SOBECC is only permitted with authorization from the entity or owner and due citation of the source.

The originals received will be analyzed by the Scientific Editor, Associate Editors, Editorial Board, and ad hoc consultants in the double-blind review system. These actors in the editorial process are responsible for evaluating articles and determining whether they are accepted or rejected, taking into account the editorial scope and policy in addition to technical and methodological content. The editorial process is detailed on the page about the Peer Review Process, which is mandatory reading for all potential authors.

Presentation of manuscripts

The presentation must follow the order specified below. The manuscript must be attached in a Word file, typed in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, respecting the official spelling, with the following format: Arial font, size 12, 1.5 cm spacing between lines, 2.5 cm margins (right, left, top, and bottom), observing the word limit according to the type of manuscript: original article (up to 4,500 words); review article (integrative or systematic) (up to 4,500 words); experience report (up to 2,000 words). The word count includes references, tables, charts, figures, photos, and attachments.

2.1 Guidance on filling out some fields on the submission form:

2.1.1 Article title: In Portuguese, without abbreviations or acronyms (maximum fourteen words)

2.1.2 Authors’ full names, without abbreviations, registered in the order in which they should appear in the publication

2.1.3 Correspondence address of one of the authors, including telephone numbers and email

2.1.4 Complete identification of all authors, separated by commas, in the following order: profession, most recent academic title, institutional affiliation (without using acronyms or abbreviations), city, state, and country. The e-mails of all authors must be included for publication. It is desirable that authors include their ORCID identification as well as the URL of their Lattes Curriculum.

2.1.5 Conflicts of interest: it is mandatory for authors to inform any potential conflict of interest, including political or financial interests (related to intellectual property, the provision of materials or inputs, equipment used in the study by manufacturers, funding for conference participation, or similar); academic prestige; institutional power; recognition among peers and in society; studies and research about the institutions themselves. If not, they must write a sentence stating that there are no conflicts of interest in the appropriate field on the submission form.

2.1.6 Studies financed by a funding agency must identify the funding agency by its full name (without using acronyms or abbreviations), as well as the process number, in the specific field of the submission form.

2.1.7 Classification of the submission: select the correct section for submission, i.e., original, review (integrative or systematic) or experience report

2.2 Original file to be submitted: must not contain the name(s) of the author(s)

2.2.1 Abstract: only in Portuguese, containing a maximum of 180 words. The abstract must be structured, that is, divided into: Objective(s), Method, Results and Conclusion;

2.2.2 Keywords: three to five keywords, in the following order: Portuguese, English, and Spanish, prepared according to the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) of BIREME (Centro Latino Americano e do Caribbean of Health Sciences Information). If they are composed, only the first word must be in capital letters, and they must be separated from each other by a period. Use three to five keywords.

2.2.3 Original: produced according to the individual characteristics of each work, that is, original articles, experience reports, and literature reviews, but structured and in different paragraphs with: Introduction, Objective(s), Method, Results, Discussion, conclusion, and/or Final considerations and References. Pay attention to the number of words and references according to the article’s classification.

Guidelines for preparing the original

3.1 Introduction: brief, with problem definition highlighting the relevance of the study and knowledge gaps

3.2 Objective: indicates what the research intends to achieve. Clear and direct.

3.3 Method: research method used, population, inclusion criteria, and data source According to the classification of the manuscript, it is necessary to inform readers that the research was carried out in accordance with ethical precepts and mention the approval number by the Research Ethics Committee.

3.4 Results: clear and objective description of relevant data without interpretations or comments Tables, charts, and figures may be used, however, with appropriate indication in the text.

3.5 Discussion: should be limited to the data obtained and the results achieved, with emphasis on the new discoveries provided by the study and discussing agreements and divergences in relation to the literature. Highlight the limitations of the study

3.6 Conclusion: must respond to the objectives or hypotheses of the study based on the results and discussion, consistent with the title, the method used, and the proposed objectives.

3.7 References: must be developed according to the Vancouver standards, developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), based on the ANSI standard adapted by the US National Library of Medicine. See instructions here. References must be indicated numerically in the sequence in which they appear in the text, identified by superscript Arabic numbers without parentheses. If they are sequential, use a hyphen between the numbers; if they are non-sequential, use a comma between the numbers. The accuracy of references is the authors’ responsibility. References must be primary and at least 50% updated (less than five years old). All references must indicate the URL or DOI for access to the full text, if available on the web.

4 Declaration of Responsibility, Author Contribution, and Conflict of Interest

Click here to download the declaration template. This declaration must contain the signatures of all authors and be sent during the article submission process.

5 Checklist for authors

Before uploading the original manuscript to the system, compliance with the Journal’s standards is necessary. To simplify the consideration process, we present the following checklist in order to streamline the editorial process.

We recommend that all the information regarding the authors and the original manuscript to be submitted, as well as additional documents (approval of the Ethics Committee, Declaration of responsibility and assignment of copyright, permission to reproduce photos, etc.), be ready for consideration.




Not applicable

1 Additional documents for submission



1.1 Research Ethics Committee approval



1.2 Declaration of Responsibility, Author Contribution, and Conflict of Interest, signed by all authors



1.3 Permission to reproduce photos



2 Submission metadata



2.1 Title in Portuguese, without abbreviations or acronyms – maximum of 14 words



2.2 Full names of all authors, aligned on the left margin of the text



2.3 Identification of the corresponding author with full address, telephone number, and e-mail



2.4 Identification of all authors: profession, latest academic degree, place of professional practice/institution, city, state, country and e-mails

2.4.1 Desirable – ORCID and URL of the Lattes Curriculum
2.4.2 Identification of the funding agency
2.4.3 Classification of the manuscript
: original, review (integrative or systematic) or experience report



3 Article Page



3.1 Abstract
3.1.1 Abstract
in portuguese only
3.1.2 Single spacing - maximum of 180 words
3.1.4 Structured: Objective(s), Method, Results and Conclusion



3.2 Keywords
3.2.1 Keywords
: Portuguese, English, and Spanish
3.2.2 Keywords – 3 to 5 obtained from DeCS



3.3 Manuscript
3.3.1 Font
: Arial size 12, 1.5 cm line spacing, 2.5 cm margins (right, left, top and bottom)
3.3.2 Number of words according to the classification of the original manuscript: original article (up to 4,500 words); review – integrative or systematic (up to 4,500 words); and experience report: up to 2,000 words), including text, tables, charts, annexes, figures and references
3.3.3 Quantitative study - containing: Introduction, Objective(s), Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References
3.3.4 Qualitative study – containing: Introduction, Objective(s), Method, Results, Discussion, Final Considerations, and References
3.3.5 Introduction: brief, defining the problem, highlighting the relevance of the study and any knowledge gaps
3.3.6 Objective: Clearly indicates the aims of the study. Verbs in the infinitive should be used
3.3.7 Method - Quantitative study: presents the study design, place of conduction, period, population or sample (inclusion and exclusion criteria), analysis of the results and statistics, ethical aspects (number of the CAAE protocol, when applicable)
3.3.8 Method - Qualitative study: presents the theoretical and methodological framework, study type, category and subcategories of analysis, methodological (hypotheses, study setting, data source, collection and organization, analysis) and ethical aspects (number of the CAAE protocol, when applicable)
3.3.9 Integrative review: presents the following six (6) steps: Identification of the theme and selection of the study’s hypotheses or question for the elaboration of the integrative review; of inclusion and exclusion criteria for studies/sampling or literature search; Definition of the information to be extracted from the selected studies/categorization of studies; Evaluation of the studies included in the integrative review; Interpretation of results; Presentation of the review/synthesis of the knowledge.
3.3.10 Systematic review: presents the following steps: Definition of its purpose; Elaboration of the study question; Literature review (Definition of criteria for selection of the studies: power of the evidence; literature search protocol) Evaluation of data Data analysis and synthesis Presentation of results Synoptic charts must contain: reference to the selected article, year of publication, study design and number of patients, interventions, outcomes, and quality indicators of the study.
3.3.11 Results: Clear and objective description of relevant data, without interpretations or comments Tables, Charts, Figures, and Annexes: numbered in their sequence of presentation in the text Tables: in accordance with IBGE standards Figures: The title must be presented at the bottom of the figure Photos: Must include the authorization of the entity and duly cite the source Tables, charts, figures, photos, and annexes – maximum total of five (5)
3.3.12 Discussion: Is a separate item from the results; Is in accordance with the national and international literature; Presents the study’s limitations, Describes the contributions to the nursing and health field
3.3.13 Conclusion or final considerations:
Must answer the study objectives or hypotheses, rooted in the results and discussion, consistent with the title and the method used and with the objectives proposed
3.3.14 References: Format – Vancouver style For articles available in Portuguese and English, the English version should be cited, with the corresponding paging Please avoid: book chapters, books, dissertations and theses, unless they add to the theoretical framework Please note that at least 50% of the references must be under five years of publication Use primary citations when referring to laws, guidelines or established authors Brings publications from national and international journals The references must be indicated numerically in the sequence they appear in the text, which must be identified by superscript Arabic numbers without parentheses and before the period of the paragraph Sequential references must be separated by a hyphen; non-sequential references must be separated by a comma.



4 General



4.1 Remove authorship from the properties of the electronic document so that as to avoid identification by the evaluators




Articles resulting from research which presents original results, developed with scientific methodology and with results and discussions that will contribute to the science of nursing and health. The text should not exceed 4,500 words and 20 references.


Comprehensive analysis of the literature, compiling the available knowledge on a particular topic of interest for the development of nursing. They should be based on relevant, updated, critical, and systematic literature, emphasizing theme delimitation and conclusions. They should also be written according to scientific methodology, considering that structure and overall specifications are the same as those of the original articles and reports of experience.

Integrative review: It is a research method that presents the abstract of the studies published generating conclusions on a specific subject, following six preestablished steps, namely: identification of the theme and selection of the hypothesis or subject of research for the development of the integrative review; establishment of inclusion and exclusion criteria of the studies/sampling or search in the literature; definition of the information to be extracted from the selected studies/categorization of the studies; evaluation of the studies included in the integrative review; interpretation of the results; presentation of the review/synthesis of knowledge. The text should not exceed 4,500 words and there should be no limit of references.

Systematic review: Research method which aims at a rigorous synthesis of the original studies, of various methodologies with the objective of answering a specific question considered relevant for the professional practice and for the theoretical knowledge of the area. It describes the steps for literature search in a detailed way, the criteria used in the selection of articles, and the procedures used for synthesizing the results of the reviewed articles, including whether they are meta-analyzes and meta-syntheses. The text should not exceed 4,500 words and there should be no limit of references.


Analytical descriptions of nursing care, using the case study method, approaching the themes of interest to the practice of nurses in the perioperative period, in the control of infections, and in the processing of materials related to health care. Should contain an analysis of conceptual implications or a description of procedures, presenting intervention strategies and appropriate methodological evidence for the evaluation of efficacy. The structure and overall specifications are the same as those of the original articles. The text shall not exceed 2,000 words and a maximum of 20 references.

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The names and e-mail addresses used in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not available for other purposes or to third parties.