A quality assessment of immediate postoperative nursing care documentation


  • Emanuela Batista Ferreira e Pereira
  • Gedalva Pereira de Lima
  • Heloise Agnes Gomes Batista da Silva
  • Kássia Maria da Hora Teixeira
  • Brenna Cavalcanti Maciel Modesto
  • Magdala de Araújo Novaes




Objective: To assess the quality of immediate postoperative nursing care documentation in reference units in the state of Pernambuco,
Brazil. Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional, documental and comparison study with a qualitative approach performed in three hospitals (A, B, C).
The sample was comprised of 130 health records from October to November 2015 and the data was collected from a semi-structured form.
Results: The records, checking and evaluation of procedures were performed differently in each of the assessed hospitals. In hospital A, there was
no recording of vital signs, whereas in hospitals B and C, there was. In institutions A and C, in 100% of the cases, there was no calculation performed
that used the Aldrete-Kroulik scale. The three institutions demonstrated good results with legible documentation that did not have many erased
items. Conclusion: It was found that the hospitals analyzed don’t meet the standards proposed by the predominant postoperative care literature
regarding nursing documentation.


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How to Cite

Pereira, E. B. F. e, Lima, G. P. de, Silva, H. A. G. B. da, Teixeira, K. M. da H., Modesto, B. C. M., & Novaes, M. de A. (2018). A quality assessment of immediate postoperative nursing care documentation. Revista SOBECC, 23(1), 21–27. https://doi.org/10.5327/Z1414-4425201800010005

